Registration for this event closes at Sun 06 Apr 2025 9:00AM.
Altona Yacht Club Committee would like to invite Sailing Trainees and Regular Sailors to join us for the 2025 Sailing Training Wind Up on Saturday 4th April 5pm - 830pm.
This is a time to celebrate achievement on the water, for club members to get to know each other, and for trainees to hear what next steps are available to them in their sailing journery. The approximate plan for the afternoon/early evening will be:
- 5pm: Arrival and place your pizza orders ( $10 Children / $15 Adults) by 515pm at the latest
- 530pm: sailing training presentations
- 6pm: Pizzas Arrive
- 6pm - 730pm : Activities
- A movie suitable for the younger people (and maybe older people too!) will be updstairs in the mezzanine area
- Outdoor Games (sardines / 40 - 40 / spotlight etc. ) with some basic ground rules of stay on the lawn and concrete area forward of the club room
- Main Hall TV : General socialising and display on TV of AYC sailing training, racing and regatta pictures/videos
An RSVP here would be appreciated so we can guage numbers.
Alternartively please let training Coordinator know. Payment on night